Thursday 5 November 2009

Research for flat plan

These are two local newspapers in my area,The Camden New Journal and The Ham & High. I have annotated them to figure out the the conventions of a front page of a local newspaper.

The common values included in both are:
  • The mast head
  • The splash
  • Photograph with caption
  • Headline
  • Puffs
  • Logo
  • Display Advertisements
  • The lure

Above, is a flat plan of the front page, back page and double page of a local newspaper. I have chosen to to look at the front and back pages as i think they have the most interesting layout and use a variety of text, images and adverts. However, I also wanted to look into how to make a double spread because even if i don't choose to make my own I have the knowledge to be able to change my mind if I want to, and also it gives me the background knowledge of what would be in my newspaper if I was to make a full one.

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