Monday 9 November 2009

Research - Local Newspaper stories

Ham&High Local stories 

WhenTown Hall was invaded by the Purple Poets

Thank you to everyone who passed on the news of the West Euston Time Bank Purple Poets Reading Party on October 8. I think this is the first time the Camden Town Hall has been used to celebrate the National Poetry Day, and the Purple Poets (and new-found... » MORE

History of Hampstead graveyard has been well-documented

I was astounded at the ignorance displayed with the event at Hampstead parish churchyard last week (Legendary artists in line for gravestone revamp, H&H October 15). The Heritage Lottery-funded project was not given to erect gravestones in memory of ar... » MORE

How Archway Park could become an ecology centre

During the day Archway Park can be a very peaceful haven but nocturnally it has become a place of menacing shadows and aggressive behaviour since its sequestration from Henfield Close. This has led to the loss of natural surveillance and the unwelcome pr... » MORE

Boris goes all bendy on the buses

IT was really depressing news to hear that Boris Johnson has announced that some public transport fares in London will be raised by almost 13 per cent from January. London s tube and buses are all absolutely packed throughout the day. Many low income fami... » MORE

POSTAL STRIKE: We must not allow charities to suffer

THE POST OFFICE has been in disarray and decline for a number of years. This once proud national treasure has been systematically reduced to a shadow of its former self by a management that is plainly less interested in the welfare of its workers and its... » MORE

Local studies bound to suffer in library shake-up

The recommendations to be made to Camden Council regarding the staff of the local studies and archives centre at Holborn have been published on the internet. They represent an improvement on the previous proposals in that one senior post is saved after n... » MORE

This kindness of strangers is deeply heartening

May I through the pages of the Ham&High thank the three very kind people who helped me following my argument with the pavement at the junction of Jackson s Lane and Archway Road on Wednesday, October 14 at 4.20pm. One man and two women helped me up, duste... » MORE

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