Saturday 8 May 2010


This the questionnaire I have made to get audience feedback on my productions. I gave it out to 20 people in my local area, West Hampstead.


Q1. Would you read this newspaper?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe

Q2. If you were to make a change to the newspaper would it be:

a) The font
b) The layout
c) The size of the newspaper e.g. A4 instead of A3
d) Nothing

Q3. Do you think the newspaper would be enhanced by including:

a) An activity supplement e.g. crosswords/puzzles
b) News articles specific to a certain audience
c) Social events advertised
d) Nothing

Q4. What age group would you say this newspaper is aimed at?

a) 0-16
b) 16-22
c) 22-50
d) 50+

Q5. Would you prefer to see the news online, have a hard copy, or on your mobile?

a) Online
b) Hard copy
c) On your mobile

Q6. Did you find the webpage clear and easy to navigate around?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Other

Q7. If you could would you add any of the below features to the website?

a) Have articles written on the homepage
b) Have more adverts around the website
c) Be able to create your own articles

Q8. When looking at the poster did you understand what was being advertised?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Other

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