Saturday 8 May 2010

The technologies I used when creating my coursework

- A website called helped me to log and structure my research. I found this a useful way to maintain my planning and research as it helped me track my progress and have feedback from other bloggers.

I was able to embed video’s from Youtube and received tutorials on how to use the software that was previously unfamiliar. This was useful as I was able to return to my blog and refer to the video’s if needed without having to look for them on the internet all over again.

YOUTUBE - You tube was hugely useful not only in terms of distributing and marketing my product but also allowing me access to tutorials that dealt with the dearth of technologies that I had to become familiar with!

GOOGLE - Google was a good way of sourcing information from the internet as it gave me templates of the front page, a double page spread, the last page forms and conventions of a newspaper.

The search engine was also useful whilst looking for instructions on how to use the software to create my coursework, such as Indesign – creating columns, how to cut out an image from it’s background on Photoshop. It also gave me inspiration for my logo for my tasks.

MICROSOFT WORD - Helped to create a time plan in order for to me follow a timescale to work off and complete my coursework by the deadline.

INDESIGN - Indesign helped me to plan and create templates for each newspaper page. It also allowed me to be creative in the construction as I was able to integrate text and graphics and create columns.

PHOTOSHOP - I used Photoshop to manipulate the images by changing the graphics of the illustration using the Threshold tool. I also cut out images from their backgrounds as seen in the train images, and layering each picture that I took, adding typography to create adverts such as the one below for Habitat.

DREAMWEAVER - I used the computer program Dreamweaver to build my website to form a working program that was clear and easy to navigate around.

I wanted the home page to be clear, uncluttered and easy on-the-eye. As a teenager I understand the need for simplicity and good graphics as most people of my age can’t be bothered to read lots of writing or small print, therefore I used this knowledge to target my young audience.

Using an existing website from the internet, I transferred it to Dreamweaver where I was able to change the html format, which determines the contents of the website. I also used a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) which determines the presentation semantics, which is the look and format of the webpage. Using Flashplayer I embedded a video from Youtube onto my website. I also made a featured blog and created my own adverts to go on the web page.

DIGITAL CAMERA - I used a digital camera to take all the imagery used in my coursework. The images were used in:

Main article stories

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