Saturday 8 May 2010

Web page extras

I have uploaded a Youtube video onto my website, named, 'Youtube best of the day'. This was an idea i came up with to try and appeal to the younger generation who seem to have a great level of interest in watching the best 'Youtube' video's. To show a video on my website I embedded the code onto the HTML in order for the video to play.

I also created an application where you share the information found on the website using social networking sites -

- Flickr
- Twiiter
- Facebook

There is also a blogger application, 'featured Blog' on my web
site, which i have used to show members of the publics blogs. I thought that this would be a good way of allowing the readers to to interact and be able to to share their news and information on the website for free. If the website continued to run and be updated, for this application, 'Featured Blog',I would change the blog every week allowing the public to show their blogs to other readers.

The other application that i noticed on other existing community newspaper websites was that, you could also get the news on your mobile. Young people nowadays seem to have high-tech phones allowing then to use the internet and applications allowing you to have the news sent your phone, making it an on-the-go product.

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