Saturday 8 May 2010

Finished Products



The technologies I used when creating my coursework

- A website called helped me to log and structure my research. I found this a useful way to maintain my planning and research as it helped me track my progress and have feedback from other bloggers.

I was able to embed video’s from Youtube and received tutorials on how to use the software that was previously unfamiliar. This was useful as I was able to return to my blog and refer to the video’s if needed without having to look for them on the internet all over again.

YOUTUBE - You tube was hugely useful not only in terms of distributing and marketing my product but also allowing me access to tutorials that dealt with the dearth of technologies that I had to become familiar with!

GOOGLE - Google was a good way of sourcing information from the internet as it gave me templates of the front page, a double page spread, the last page forms and conventions of a newspaper.

The search engine was also useful whilst looking for instructions on how to use the software to create my coursework, such as Indesign – creating columns, how to cut out an image from it’s background on Photoshop. It also gave me inspiration for my logo for my tasks.

MICROSOFT WORD - Helped to create a time plan in order for to me follow a timescale to work off and complete my coursework by the deadline.

INDESIGN - Indesign helped me to plan and create templates for each newspaper page. It also allowed me to be creative in the construction as I was able to integrate text and graphics and create columns.

PHOTOSHOP - I used Photoshop to manipulate the images by changing the graphics of the illustration using the Threshold tool. I also cut out images from their backgrounds as seen in the train images, and layering each picture that I took, adding typography to create adverts such as the one below for Habitat.

DREAMWEAVER - I used the computer program Dreamweaver to build my website to form a working program that was clear and easy to navigate around.

I wanted the home page to be clear, uncluttered and easy on-the-eye. As a teenager I understand the need for simplicity and good graphics as most people of my age can’t be bothered to read lots of writing or small print, therefore I used this knowledge to target my young audience.

Using an existing website from the internet, I transferred it to Dreamweaver where I was able to change the html format, which determines the contents of the website. I also used a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) which determines the presentation semantics, which is the look and format of the webpage. Using Flashplayer I embedded a video from Youtube onto my website. I also made a featured blog and created my own adverts to go on the web page.

DIGITAL CAMERA - I used a digital camera to take all the imagery used in my coursework. The images were used in:

Main article stories


This the questionnaire I have made to get audience feedback on my productions. I gave it out to 20 people in my local area, West Hampstead.


Q1. Would you read this newspaper?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe

Q2. If you were to make a change to the newspaper would it be:

a) The font
b) The layout
c) The size of the newspaper e.g. A4 instead of A3
d) Nothing

Q3. Do you think the newspaper would be enhanced by including:

a) An activity supplement e.g. crosswords/puzzles
b) News articles specific to a certain audience
c) Social events advertised
d) Nothing

Q4. What age group would you say this newspaper is aimed at?

a) 0-16
b) 16-22
c) 22-50
d) 50+

Q5. Would you prefer to see the news online, have a hard copy, or on your mobile?

a) Online
b) Hard copy
c) On your mobile

Q6. Did you find the webpage clear and easy to navigate around?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Other

Q7. If you could would you add any of the below features to the website?

a) Have articles written on the homepage
b) Have more adverts around the website
c) Be able to create your own articles

Q8. When looking at the poster did you understand what was being advertised?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Other

How I Created SYNERGY

By using the same Fonts, colours and logo I believe that i successfully created synergy across my products.

My Finished Poster

Background - I created the background using the clips from the newspapers and cutting and sticking them onto a board.

WHO Logo - I made this on photoshop using the standard tool, o make it look as though t was coming out of the megaphone i used the perspective tool.

The Tag line - I used the typography tool on photoshop, along the shadow to make it look more 3-D and eye catching.

Copy right - I used the copy right logo and wrote 'Independent Newspaper Limited' to create a conventional poster.

Website address - By adding my website address it gave the audience a way of finding out more information bout the newspaper. Most posters contain a website address and therefore I stuck to the forms and conventions.

Illustration - I drew this image and took a picture to upload onto photoshop where I then changed the image to black and white using the 'threshold' tool. I wanted to change the picture into black and white so that the WHO log would stand out as it's colour.

Web page extras

I have uploaded a Youtube video onto my website, named, 'Youtube best of the day'. This was an idea i came up with to try and appeal to the younger generation who seem to have a great level of interest in watching the best 'Youtube' video's. To show a video on my website I embedded the code onto the HTML in order for the video to play.

I also created an application where you share the information found on the website using social networking sites -

- Flickr
- Twiiter
- Facebook

There is also a blogger application, 'featured Blog' on my web
site, which i have used to show members of the publics blogs. I thought that this would be a good way of allowing the readers to to interact and be able to to share their news and information on the website for free. If the website continued to run and be updated, for this application, 'Featured Blog',I would change the blog every week allowing the public to show their blogs to other readers.

The other application that i noticed on other existing community newspaper websites was that, you could also get the news on your mobile. Young people nowadays seem to have high-tech phones allowing then to use the internet and applications allowing you to have the news sent your phone, making it an on-the-go product.

Adverts used in newspaper

Creating My Logo

this is an image i found on Google which inspired me to create my own logo.

Having studied Graphic Design and Art for last year and half, i felt confident in illustrating my own logo. I am quite pleased with the out come of my logo which i can now use to create my poster and add to my website and newspaper.

Using the correct mode of address

When writing news articles I adopted a colloquial mode of address that would appeal to a younger audience.

I wanted to address the audience as a friend so that the newspaper didn't appear too formal and hard to read. In order to this i used slang words in my news articles that were familiar to my target ages 16-25.